Make memories for your students by welcoming the Little Angel Theatre to your school! Our in school workshops are a fun and creative way for students to explore the curriculum, and provide a high-quality creative learning experience.
We have a range of workshops targeted at EYFS, KS1, KS2, KS3 and above.
Early Years

Once Upon A Time - Sensory Play Puppet Workshop (EYFS)
Each workshop involves a sensory play activity and a chance for younger students to sing and dance along with Little Angel puppets. These workshops are designed with a variety of EYFS ages in mind, with guided play for babies and craft activities for toddlers.
Time Needed: 1 hour
Age: Aimed at nursery or pre-school
Cost: See bottom of the page

Brilliant Butterfly Puppets (EYFS)
Students will explore the fascinating world of insects and nature with this creative sensory story and craft workshop. First students watch Bob the Caterpillar puppet in his journey to becoming a beautiful butterfly, then have a go at making a flying butterfly puppet of their own. Students will then parade their wonderful creations in front of our natural scenery bringing the great outdoors into the classroom!
Time Needed: 1 hour (Nursery) up to half day (Reception, Year 1 or Year 2)
Age: Aimed at EYFS – year 2
Cost: See bottom of the page

Joyful Jellyfish (EYFS)
This workshop is all about being green and focuses on using sustainable materials in an eco-friendly way! Each child will use recycled materials to make their own tentacle to add to their class jellyfish. We will discuss ways to be more sustainable: by reducing our waste, reusing what we can, and recycling what we can’t – all whilst practicing fine motor skills and creating a beautiful jellyfish puppet for your class to keep.
Time Needed: At least half a day per class
Age: Aimed at Reception and year 1
Cost: 435 + VAT for a half day (1 class) or 595 + VAT for a full day (2 classes)
Little Makers - KS1
Our Little Makers workshops for Reception to Year 1 are the perfect introduction to making for younger students who are beginning to develop their art and craft skills. Our skilled facilitators will first demonstrate the magic of puppetry for the group, and then students will have access to a craft ‘making’ table where the children can explore different materials and create things that we can use to tell a story together in front of our pop up ‘stage’. A gentle way for younger children to practice their fine motor craft skills such as cutting, pen holding and sticking at their own pace under the nurturing guidance of our workshop leaders.
How does it link to the EYFS framework?
- Areas of Learning and Development: Expressive Arts and Design
- Early Learning Goals – Creating with materials
- Early Learning Goals – Being Imaginative and Expressive
- Early Learning Goals – Fine Motor Skill development
Time Needed: At least half a day per class
Age: Aimed at Reception – Year 1
Cost: See bottom of the page
Table Top Puppets - KS1
Table Top puppets are extremely versatile. We can work with your class to design and make characters from a specific story, historical period or topic of your choice, and turn them into upright table top puppets. These fun and characterful puppets are great for performing with, and after they have made their puppets students will take them on an adventure through an obstacle course we set up in your classroom!
How does it link to the curriculum?
- English- communication and language
- D&T- materials
Time Needed: A full day per class
Age: Aimed at year 2 & 3 + but can be adapted to suit different ages and capabilities
Cost: See bottom of the page
Explore Mr Gobble's Garden - KS1
Students watch a short puppet film set in a world where everything is made from repurposed objects. They will learn what is needed to care for the plants in Mr Gobble’s garden, and how every element of nature (even those that might be considered pests) is important to keep the circle of life flowing. With a focus on the science of life and growth, each student will craft an ecosystem plant puppet and then learn how to perform with it.
How does it link to the curriculum?
- Plants – requirements for life and growth
- Habitats – plants and animals
- Relationships – friendship, respect and cooperation
Time Needed: At least half a day per class
Age: Aimed at year 1 upwards
Cost: See bottom of the page

Story of Stories - KS2
Our Story of Stories workshops for KS2 are the perfect introduction for children in years 3-6 to developing storytelling skills in order to increase proficiency in oracy and literacy.
The Workshop
A storyteller first performs an interactive show in the classroom, using puppets, props, and music to help children understand exactly why we tell stories.
The children work together to tell their own story, collaborating to brainstorm characters, settings, and plots. Each child plays a vital role, bringing the story to life through a collective performance.
How does it link to the curriculum?
- English reading and writing
- Comprehension
- Public speaking and presentation skills
- Citizenship
- Design and Technology
- History
Booking Information
Time Needed: At least half a day per class
Age: Aimed at years 3-6
Cost: £450+ VAT
Booking is from 3rd – 21st March 2025.
For more information or to book, please contact or fill in the enquiry form below.

Discover Scoop's Space - KS2
In this KS2 workshop we begin by watching a short film starring Scoop, who likes to reinvent things and give them new life, and Bertie, a puppet made of recycled objects. We follow Bertie’s adventure as he tries to reach the recycling centre and live out his dreams of being recycled as a kite. Students learn about the science of plastic bottles and examine the different materials used to make the puppets. Each student will then build their own Bertie-inspired puppet and learn how to perform with it.
How does it link to the curriculum?
- Environmental Sustainability – Recycling, Protecting the environment (earth and oceans)
- PSHE – Aspirations, Citizenship
- D&T – Materials
Time Needed: At least half a day per class
Age: Aimed at years 3-6
Cost: See bottom of the page
Shadow and Light - KS2
In this exciting KS2 workshop students will not only design and make their very own shadow puppets but use their creations to explore and learn about the science of shadow and light, exploring concepts and key terminology such as translucent, opaque and transparent through experimentation with different materials.
- D&T – Materials
- Science – shadow and light
Time Needed: At least half a day per class
Age: Aimed at years 3-6
Cost: See bottom of the page
Meet the Puppets - KS2
Students will meet some of the incredible puppets in Little Angel Theatre’s collection, find out how they work, what they are made from and how we make them. We can deliver this as part of a school assembly, or it can be combined with a tour of the theatre if you are coming to see a show. Available remotely via zoom or in person.
Time Needed: We can adapt this session to your requirements but recommend a minimum of 30 minutes.
Age: This workshop can be adapted for any age group
Cost: From £85 + VAT for Zoom or £150 + VAT for in person.
“The children very much enjoyed the day’s activities. Our topic is ‘Toys’ and so the children were able to replicate a character they designed the previous day”.
KS3 +
An Introduction to Puppetry Performance – KS3+
Aimed at total beginners, this is a crash course in puppeteering. Students will learn essential skills and techniques needed to bring objects alive with movement to express thought and emotion. Students will practice these new performance skills using puppets from Little Angel Theatre’s collection. Fantastic for students who are interested in performance and learning new ways to tell stories. A great way to introduce puppetry performance technique to students who may want to use it in their own performances in school productions.
How does it link to the curriculum?
- English – Spoken English
- Drama – Puppetry, Performance, Devising
Time Needed: A full day or half day for up to 30 people
Age: Suitable for Year 7 upwards including higher education and adults.
Cost: See bottom of the page
Bespoke Workshops
We offer a variety of workshop packages throughout the year that respond to different seasonal events such as Anti-Bullying Week, World Book Day etc. Using puppetry, students are able to learn about issues and explore solutions with a degree of distance, allowing for honest exploration in a safe environment.
Whether you would like to make a specific type of puppet not listed above, work with us for one day, a whole academic year or anything in-between, we can provide puppetry workshops and residencies to suit you. If you have an idea in mind for a theme or event you would like us to create a bespoke workshop for please get in touch!
Show Related Workshops
Available at our studios, at your school/venue, or as a DIY package for you to run independently. We offer workshops that connect with the shows that are currently on in our venues or are out on tour. If you’re interested in a workshop that relates to one of our current shows please get in touch. A great accompaniment/follow up to a class visit to our theatre or studio to see a show.
Find out more about our shows, here.
Find out more about our touring work, here.
Sounds great – how do I book workshops?
Our Workshops cost (unless otherwise stated)
£220+VAT for a 1 hour session.
£385+VAT for a half day.
£545+VAT for a full day (either 1 class for the whole day or 2 classes for a half day.)
£700+VAT for 3 form entry schools we can offer 1.5 days (half a day per class)
Please note: Prices are based on our standard workshops for a class of 30 children. If you have particular requests that require additional planning and preparation time, or for more than 30 children per group, additional fees may apply.
We are based in Islington. If our workshop leaders need to travel to you by train (beyond tube and London Overground reach) or if your school/venue is more than 15 minutes’ walk from the nearest tube/London Overground station (meaning we need to book a taxi to transport our workshop materials) then we may need to add travel expenses to the fee. We will agree this with you when you book.
To book please complete the form below.
Schools Workshops Enquiry Form
If you are interested in booking a workshop with us, please complete this enquiry form, giving as much detail about your group, location and requirements. The more information you can give us now, the more quickly we can check availability and confirm a booking with you, but please do not worry if you cannot answer all the questions, we are more than happy to have a chat to help you work out which workshop will be right for your group and you can request a call-back from one of our team on the form below. Please note: completing this form does not constitute a booking. Upon receipt of your completed enquiry form, a member of our team will be in touch by email or phone to discuss your enquiry.